Logs — 917 entries posted since Feb 2000

→ Sadly, most of the hyperlinks on older posts are broken, or may point to a different page. That's today's web for you.

  • Let it snow

    → Zach posted a cool little seasonal web component the other day.

  • The day I closed my Basecamp account

    I closed my Basecamp account earlier this month. I have been a customer since April 2004, that’s almost 20 years give or take a few months.

  • An immersive emotional diary

    I just received Simon’s @sitenonsite final tape Tokyo that completes the Japan set.

  • Concrete art

    The Swiss Post has released a new stamp in its “Swiss Post art” collection launched in 2020 called “Art in architecture” with concrete in its pigments.

  • Pure playdate joy

    Yay! My Playdate arrived today! As I didn’t place my order immediately, so I was relegated to group 4. I subscribed to the waiting list in May 2019, but as I wasn’t sure it was for me, I only placed my order on the 1st of August 2021. It took 2 years to get here, but it was worth the wait.

  • Peak Design’s Micro Clutch + FujiFilm’s X100V - perfect match

    My Peak Design Micro Clutch arrived yesterday, and it’s a brilliant piece of gear.

  • #Flow

    Current vibes.

  • First App Store purchase

    Let’s scroll back to my first App Store purchase.

  • It’s just a tool

    → If a hammer was like AI… it will mostly “guess” your aim, tend to miss the nail and push for a different design. Often unnoticeably.

  • Design notes on the alphabet

    → You’ve got to love xkcd ♥︎ …and I had never noticed the spacing between the vowels.

  • Gone nearline

    Taking a break in the Cyclades.

  • It’s a(door)able

    → A great little keyboard game. Playing time: 1 minute.

  • Add a verified checkmark to your name

    → Any Bell posted a fun web component to add a verified checkmark to your website.

  • Make Something Wonderful

    → The Steve Jobs’ Archive has published “Make Something Wonderful, Steve Jobs in his own words”.

  • Self-Repair Manifesto

    → The lovely peoplem at iFixit are building a free repair manual for every device. That’s a monumental undertaking, but they are making great progress, one photo at a time and need our help!

  • Bitten by my network settings, SwiftBar saves me

    I got bitten into debugging my network setup, because of a proxy setting I had forgotten to disable.

  • How to turn off the microphone beep in iOS

    On iOS, if you’re not running in silent mode, you will hear an obnoxious beep each time you tap the keyboard microphone. Personally, I’m constantly in silence mode, but that’s not the case of everyone in my family.

  • A hug is always the right size

    Mum passed away on January 17th, 2023 and below is the eulogy I delivered at her funeral, on Wednesday February 8th, 2023 at Penmount, Truro.

  • Love you Mum

    Love you Mum.

  • iPod nostagia

    → iPod.js threw me back 20 years…

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