An immersive emotional diary
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I just received Simon’s @sitenonsite final tape Tokyo that completes the Japan set.
The level of care and thought (and love) that went into their creation moves me and makes me happy each time I look at them.
Simon’s aesthetics and delicate ambiant art resonates and takes roots in the real world through these tapes that act as a portal to an immersive emotional diary of rich moments and colourful places that spawn into life as you listen, read and touch them.

Dear to my heart
Simon’s project resonates with me on several levels. I am sensitive to the care with which he documents his projects and life in general. His website is the canonical example of this skill. Take a minute to appreciate the typography, the colour scheme and the layout, and then information architecture. Amazing.
This project embodies all of these skills alongside with a desire to share slices of multi sensorial moments of his personal experience in Japan. The tapes come with their custom covers and mini fold-out locations map, track-by-track notes and translations, diary entries, holographic sticker, and more… and I love the maps (I love maps in general – but that’s the subject of another post).

I enjoy documenting my trips by writing microblog entries, checking into location services such as Swarm or Gowalla back in the days or recording short sound clips of the places I visit.
Back when it was trendy for web services to offer open APIs, I use to setup the aggregation of tweets, checking, photos, etc. into a travel log powered by Tumblr, but it never, or rarely, left the digital sphere.
Simon’s Japan project sits on my bookshelf, alongside some of my favourite books, photos and other objects that are dear to my heart.
Thank you @colly 💜