Concrete art 

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I am not stamp aficionado, but Richard Litter’s post attracted my attention.

Art in architecture

The Swiss Post has released a new Fr. 1.10 stamp in its “Swiss Post art” collection launched in 2020: “Art in architecture”. The materials used for this special stamp play an important role in its design, suggesting the pillar for which the stamp stands: concrete.

To give the concrete wall depicted in the design a tactile dimension, cement pigments were added to the ultra-matt finish.

The new Fr. 1.10 swiss stamp "Art in architecture"
Art in Architecture stamp, 2023

I was struck by the simplicity and the aesthetics of this stamp. The design is so minimalistic and clean, it’s riveting. But to fully appreciate its design, you need to feel it.

I immediately ordered a batch of them. They are on sale until the end of the year at the Swiss Post shop.

Previous stamps in the collection are “Art collection” and “Art in the periphery”.

❤️ Swiss design.

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