Logs — 920 entries posted since Feb 2000

→ Sadly, most of the hyperlinks on older posts are broken, or may point to a different page. That's today's web for you.

  • Be gentle with yourself

    → Take a moment to be gentle with yourself, and with all whom you encounter.

  • Preview Safari 15’s new features today

    Jean Simmons in her WWDC 2021 “Design for Safari 15” gave a good presentation of Safari 15 use of the meta element theme-color.

  • Peak Design Everyday Backpack Zip

    I love bags. I’ve used and enjoyed a number of messenger bags and backpacks from Timbuktu and Tom Bihn and I’m always on the lookout for something new.

  • Off to Paros

    We’re taking a week off and flying (flying!) to Paros in the Cyclades for a break 😎

  • Best month of the year *

    * private joke with my loved ones 😍

  • My second COVID shot

    As planned, I went for my second COVID shot on Saturday.

  • ISO news section revamp

    ISO soft-launched its revamped news section this week.

  • Back to Flickr

    I’m happy to be back on Flickr fulltime.

  • My first COVID shot

    I received my first COVID vaccination shot last Saturday, on April 24th 2021.

  • Kindle displays book cover

    I don’t remember if a Kindle firmware update ever excited me. But the last one (v5.13.5) has!

  • Worryso.me

    I’ve just discovered a brilliant new subscription service thanks to my good friend @Malarkey : worryso.me.

  • Happy birthday Mac OS X

    Today is the 20th anniversary of the launch of Mac OS X

  • Music is magic

    The renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma gives an impromptu performance in a vaccine waiting room in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, after having just received his second dose of the coronavirus vaccine.

  • Dear Mathias

    Twenty-two years ago, I was in the clouds, walking 1m above the ground, with a wide smile on my face, and couldn’t stop looking at you.

  • Steve Jobs Stories

    The Computer History Museum hosted a conversation entitled “Steve Jobs Stories” on Clubhouse the day before what would have been his 66th birthday on Feb, 23rd 2021.

  • I ♥ publicité - really?

    I received a strange letter signed by Michael Nägele and Andreas Urben of the Swiss Post last week, containing a pack of stickers “I ❤️ advertising” or “Feed me with advertising” in an effort to motivate people to remove their “No advertising please” notice from their letter boxes.

  • Twenty Years Smiling

    Wow. I’m having a bit of a hard time believing you are twenty today, but on the other hand, it feels so natural. I’m so proud of the radiant young woman you have become.

  • Pinboard reaches out to its oldest users

    Pinboard is a social bookmarking website that was inspired by del.icio.us’s model of a non-hierarchical classification system in which users could tag each of their bookmarks with freely chosen index terms.

  • Impact: iPhone

    Rene Ritchie posted a great video on his Nebula Channel on the way the iPhone impacted his life and those of so many other creators.

  • SuperDuper! : A hidden favourite Mac App

    I feel I should have written about Dave Nanian’s SuperDuper! a long time ago. It’s been in my Application folder since 2006.

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