→ Sadly, most of the hyperlinks on older posts are broken, or may point to a different page. That's today's web for you.
Today, Apple dedicated its whole homepage to honor Martin Luther King Jr. spirit in an elegant display of quotes.
This year at XOXO 2024, Erin Kissane gave what I feel will become a seminal talk on the state of social networks today.
We watched the movie Blackberry over the weekend, and I must admit I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Last night, we were at the BFM to discover “Double Murder” by Hofesh Shechter, performed by Hofesh Shechter Company.
I’m happy to be back on Flickr fulltime.
I received a strange letter signed by Michael Nägele and Andreas Urben of the Swiss Post last week, containing a pack of stickers “I ❤️ advertising” or “Feed me with advertising” in an effort to motivate people to remove their “No advertising please” notice from their letter boxes.
Pinboard is a social bookmarking website that was inspired by del.icio.us’s model of a non-hierarchical classification system in which users could tag each of their bookmarks with freely chosen index terms.
How will things be after this strange new normal? Is there a chance that our economic system and values will change after this world crisis? Will our daily lives be transformed? Can the world be rebuilt differently and yield a more humane economy?
I am always impressed by Emmanuelle Duez’s clarity and vision, and this talk is more relevant than ever in this global pandemic and economic downturn.