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Dancers rising their fists on a blue backdrop © Hofesh Shechter Company

Last night, we were at the BFM to discover “Double Murder” by Hofesh Shechter, performed by Hofesh Shechter Company.

Initially, it should have been “Hora”, by Ohad Naharin’s Batsheva Dance Company, but it was cancelled due to covid.

The theatre was chock a block, but a few tickets remained available. There was electricity in the air, excitement. People smiling, chatting impatiently. The audience’s average age even seemed lower than usual for a Grand Théâtre show, or maybe that was just me scanning selectively.

It was elating and strange at the same time to be part of a dense crowd sharing emotions in real time. We were all seated, but I developed a sense of close proximity these two years that will take a while to rub off, if it ever does. I’m not an agoraphobe, and I enjoy mixing up with people, sharing the vibe in the moment, but nevertheless my personal bubble seems to have extended somewhat outwards.

Nevertheless, I was a fantastic show that left me floating above ground. The sheer energy resonated deeply and profoundly.

One half of the evening is Clowns, a sarcastic nod to our ever-growing indifference to violence; originally created for Nederlands Dans Theater 1 and later produced as a film and broadcast by the BBC to great acclaim. In a macabre comedy of murder and desire, Clowns unleashes a whirlwind of choreographed anarchy, testing how far we are willing to go in the name of entertainment.

As an antidote to the murderous, poisonous energy of Clowns, Shechter’s new creation, The Fix, brings a tender, fragile energy to the stage. It offers a raw and compassionate moment to balance the forces of aggression and violence that press on us daily. A shield to protect us from the noise of life outside, and a place that allows the performers to be fragile, be seen for their utmost human qualities. Violence, tenderness and hope are all laid bare through Shechter’s achingly beautiful, cinematic lens.


I’m looking forward to going back to the ADC and Comédie Theater next season.

It’s good to be back sharing emotions at these live performances ❤️

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