Logs — 920 entries posted since Feb 2000

→ Sadly, most of the hyperlinks on older posts are broken, or may point to a different page. That's today's web for you.

  • CSS Naked Day 2020

    Hey, today is CSS Naked Day 2020! Its the first time I am joining it, so that’s why my website displays just the browser’s default styles.

  • Week #3 of semi confinement

    We have reached the end of our third weeks of semi confinement, and things are going rather well for us.

  • Coronavirus Rhapsody

    I love this song, and the lyrics by Dana Jay Bein and spot on, and Adrian Grimes’s interpretation is stellar. Some humor to see us through the COVID-19 crisis.

  • Week #2 of semi confinement

    We have { already | at last } reached the end of week #2 of semi confinement. The whole situation still feels surreal. As a family, we are settling into a daily routine, each of us organising our space and time.

  • D’Entreprendre, mon cœur s’est arrêté - Emmanuelle Duez, à l’USI

    I am always impressed by Emmanuelle Duez’s clarity and vision, and this talk is more relevant than ever in this global pandemic and economic downturn.

  • Week #1 of semi confinement

    It’s been a week since the Conseil Fédéral announced the closing of the schools and limited public gatherings, but it feels more than that. Several additional steps have been taken since to slow down our rhythm of life and prevent people from moving and gathering by imposing social distancing.

  • March, our chocolate cake month

    Despite the uncertainties and grim times some people are going through since the worldwide spread of SARS-CoV-2 and the disease it causes (COVID-19), March remains our chocolate cake month (aka birthday).

  • My weblog has turned twenty

    I just realised that my first blog post dates back to February 14th, 2000. That’s twenty years ago, give or take a few days.

  • New Adventures Conference 2020 afterthoughts

    Yet another edition of New Adventures came to a close and my brain is still bubbling with the insights, thought provoking ideas and personal experiences this years speakers shared with us.

  • Working on a cartoon reader

    I’ve been working on a cartoon reader for a scientific online publication called Protein Spotlight.

  • Meet Kirby

    Kirby is an elegant content management system, both in its design and its performance. Amongst many things, it provides a fast templating engine coupled with a powerful chainable PHP API.

  • White balanced

    Emmanuel Eggermont takes us on a beautiful journey through multiple shades of white, painted with light remnants and refractions. Aberration is a journey through a collection of random emotions fading one into the other.

  • Twenty three and counting

    Time flies, but life with gets richer every day. Happy ❤️ anniversary!

  • Why run a home server?

    My home server acts essentially as a backup and media server. I run Plex and iiTunes on it. It hosts all our music, films, TV shows and home videos, the original copies of our iCloud Photo libraries, my Lightroom master files and all the content of my Dropbox account (just in case).

  • Best wishes for 2020

    Let the world be for you in the New Year full of warmth, joy and friends, and may your home never run out of love and understanding.

  • SiteSucker : a hidden favourite Mac App

    Beyond the essential apps I use on a daily basis such as 1Password, Textmate, PasteBot or SuperDuper, etc. there are a few gems that live in my Application folder that I use on an infrequent basis, but which have followed me ever since I discovered them.

  • Back from England

    My Mum and little sister live in Cornwall, located in the South West of England. It’s a beautiful region and one of my favourite places to be, but it’s not really on Geneva’s doorstep.

  • Apple’s string of disturbing decisions

    Apple, and especially the Macintosh, have played a key role in my professional career since the late 1980. Their attention to detail, alongside with an ethical and user centered approach fascinated me, but the recent string of Apple decisions disturb me.

  • How to get Safari to stream self hosted MP4 via Cloudflare

    I recently had to move a bunch of video files out of Vimeo while I searched for an alternate hosting solution. I chose to keep it as simple as possible, and to use the video element, only to discover that Safari didn’t steam the file when cached by Cloudflare.

  • My favourite phone case

    The Mason M5 Aramid case adds extra protection and grip without degrading the look & feel of the phone.

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