Logs — 71 entries in category ‘self’

→ Sadly, most of the hyperlinks on older posts are broken, or may point to a different page. That's today's web for you.

  • March again

    March is back with its birthdays and memories.
    We organised Emma’s first birthday party on Wednesday, after having spent the previous evening blowing up helium balloons and decorating – and remembering what we were doing – thinking – feeling 3 years before. It’s surprising how much one can remember – especially the details. I can recall the exact positions we were occuping on the couches, what we watched on TV (Jackie Brown), at what time we went to bed – what we were reading at the time.. and the sequence of events that followed the next morning.

  • Out in the cold
  • Début du weekend
  • Le jour après le jour d'avant

    Il y a des jours comme ça. Quand tout va mal, caq ne peut aller que pire. Mais bon, une fois au fond, on ne peut que remonter.

  • :: mercredi 10h43

    Life sucks. Opération annulée. Bétise et incompétence. Rage et frustration.

  • :: mardi 21h26

    Nouvelle interprŽtation de la notion d’intervention ambulatoire de la LAMaL: Jeune, riche et en bonne santŽ – restez le.

  • :: lundi 17h21
  • :: dimanche 15h00
  • :: dimanche 9h12
  • :: samedi 21h50
  • :: samedi 18h31

    Lancement du weblog de roessli.net. Fabienne est partie aux urgences pédiatriques avec Emma suite à une chute, et à une forte probabilité de commotion.

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