→ Sadly, most of the hyperlinks on older posts are broken, or may point to a different page. That's today's web for you.
March is back with its birthdays and memories.
We organised Emma’s first birthday party on Wednesday, after having spent the previous evening blowing up helium balloons and decorating – and remembering what we were doing – thinking – feeling 3 years before. It’s surprising how much one can remember – especially the details. I can recall the exact positions we were occuping on the couches, what we watched on TV (Jackie Brown), at what time we went to bed – what we were reading at the time.. and the sequence of events that followed the next morning. -
Il y a des jours comme ça. Quand tout va mal, caq ne peut aller que pire. Mais bon, une fois au fond, on ne peut que remonter.
Life sucks. Opération annulée. Bétise et incompétence. Rage et frustration.
Nouvelle interprtation de la notion d’intervention ambulatoire de la LAMaL: Jeune, riche et en bonne sant – restez le.
Lancement du weblog de roessli.net. Fabienne est partie aux urgences pédiatriques avec Emma suite à une chute, et à une forte probabilité de commotion.