Letting that fine sand slip through
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It’s been over 3 weeks since my last post. June (the best month of the year - wink) has come and almost gone as fine sand slipping through your fingers.
Post confinement life has woken up, streets have become busier, more cars everywhere, people gathering, meeting, inviting, partying as if quenching a deep social thirst.
As time goes by, it feels as if most of us are putting all this behind us, drawing a line, tired of worrying, not knowing and want to close this strange parenthesis without wondering what the hidden effects of the pandemic might be. The visible effects have slowed down significantly in Switzerland, to such a point the probability of contracting the virus is very low.
Since June 22nd, most of the COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted. Only gatherings over a 1000 people remain. The individual responsibility remains. Social distancing and proper hygiene are still the best protection against the spread of the virus.
The Swiss COVID app is available to the general public since June 25th.
Yet, I still find myself struggling sometimes, and feel I’m failing at everything I’m doing, stuck in some sort of quagmire.
I feel guilty complaining like this. Compared to others, I’m really well off. I’m healthy, keeping more than busy professionally with caring clients and collegues, I have a roof over my head, happy children and a loving partner. It should be all candy floss and blue skies.
Over these last few weeks, Protein Spotlight launched the comic version of its articles which was a fun project I took part in. I’ll write more about it in a subsequent post.
At University, we launched the first beta of Find my Assistants, a project I’ve been working on with Gregory L. since last fall. It’s scheduled to go into production sometime in July.
I’ve been enjoying my weekly ISO workshops with Lionel E., tackling design challenges and working on refining the ISO website user experience and services.
Add to that all the current, ongoing projects (and new projects), I am keeping busy. So maybe, on this first day of Summer, I just need to let that sand slip through, and embrace the here and now ☀️