Your latest t-shirt
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Do you buy t-shirts on internet?. I do. Essentially geeky and crypted branded one (gibberish for some). My latest acquisitions are from A List Apart and Insanely Great Tees. Good quality cotton, nice colours and nice prints.
As a result of fashion, t-shirts have changed these last years. They seem to be weaved in lighter cotton, and offer a tighter fit. The side effect is that I've switched from an L (XL sometimes) to M size. Ls are just too large. I use to favour the thick loose fit surfer style t-shirts for a long time, but I must admit the tighter fit feels good too - to F's pleasure who's been trying to make me wear them for years.
I think I've worn t-shirts ever since I could get dressed alone. The colours, brand and message have evolved through the years, but the t-shirt has always been at the heart of my dressing code - to the great despair of my mum. When I think of it, I'm basically dressed the same way now as I was 20 years ago. Scary. The brands and messages have changed, but the basic look has survived. Seems I'll never grow up.
A quick Spotlight search for 't-shirt' in my e-mail revealed an interesting (and scary) thread of geeky t-shirts I acquired on the net over the years.
- Lift 2007 [medium sized]
- A List Apart [Web 2.0 and -9999px]
- Insanely Great Tees [Jolly Rodger and Magic Eraser]
- SimpleBits [Vintage and Document]
- RailsConf Europe 2006 [RailsConf Europe - London]
- Daring FireBall [Member's t-shirt]
- Apple WWDC 2005
- [..]
- Apple iPod World Launch
- Apple Switch Here - Ask me how
- TextDrive (VC126: get yours?)
- CafePress (my own - hmm)
- ThinkGeek (loads of different ones)
- Iconfactory - the original one
- Netscape - Mozilla before Mozilla
- Yahoo! - my first t-shirt with an URI printed on it - 1995
What t-shirts do you buy?
Check out Charlotte Brunel's "T-shirt" for an illustrated history of T-shirts.
Comments and responses
13 Mar 2007
I had to buy an ash gray t-shirt of my tribal Spirit design. I remember finishing it and thinking, “Wow. I did this?”
25 Apr 2007
I gave importance for quality not for brand.I have visited a so many sites, which sales all kinds of t-shirts online.
15 May 2010
Dear sir/mam,
We are a manufacturing company of Bangladesh .We produce all kinds of T-shits, Polo-piques, Tank -tops , Boxers . Woven items : Shirts ,pants, blouses ,Jeans and all kinds of sweaters like:3GG,5GG, 7GG,10GG,12GG for men’s , ladies and children’s. We are interested to business with you and your company .Hope you will be reply us as soon as possible .
Thanks and begrds,