Logs — 22 entries tagged ‘covid-19’

22 entries tagged ‘covid-19’ were posted to The Empty Set Ø since Feb 2000.

  • Week #7 of semi confinement

    There were long queues at the garden centres and DIY last Monday. Mathias popped down to the Migros Brico to stock up on wood for his frames and noticed that most of the people were buying plants and flowers. Flashes of colours and smiling faces.

  • Geneva cancels its end of year ‘Maturité Fédérale’ exams

    Shortly after today’s Conseil Fédéral press conference, Anne Emery-Torracinta (conseillère d’État du canton de Genève chargée du département de l’instruction publique) announced that they have cancelled the Maturité Fédérale’s final exams.

  • Week #6 of semi confinement

    I feel I’m loosing track of time, or at the least that my perception of time varies throughout the day and the week. March feels ages ago, just like the beginning of the week does, but the day flies by so fast. We’ve reached 6 weeks of semi confinement.

  • A Brave New World

    How will things be after this strange new normal? Is there a chance that our economic system and values will change after this world crisis? Will our daily lives be transformed? Can the world be rebuilt differently and yield a more humane economy?

  • « Dire merci »

    I love every second of this video ♥︎

  • Week #5 of semi confinement

    We are about to enter what will be the last week of semi confinement for certain businesses. The Conseil Fédéral has announced its three stage confinement exit plan last Thursday. During which, Alain Berset had another great line : “Nous voulons agir aussi vite que possible, mais aussi lentement que nécessaire”.

  • A Social Distance

    I love this video ♥︎

  • Week #4 of semi confinement

    Easter break. We are slowly reaching our first month of semi confinement. We have grown accustomed to living all four of us together, and are enjoying it. Mathias and Emma are happy to spend more time together, like when we all go on holiday together. I love having all my family around me.

  • Week #3 of semi confinement

    We have reached the end of our third weeks of semi confinement, and things are going rather well for us.

  • Coronavirus Rhapsody

    I love this song, and the lyrics by Dana Jay Bein and spot on, and Adrian Grimes’s interpretation is stellar. Some humor to see us through the COVID-19 crisis.

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