Logs — 654 entries in category ‘daily’

→ Sadly, most of the hyperlinks on older posts are broken, or may point to a different page. That's today's web for you.

  • Learning Aperture 1.5
  • Bulletproof Ajax
  • Do you tweet?
  • What about the Mac?
  • An Event Apart 2007
  • Welcome to 2007
  • Empty set symbol
  • DVD copy

    While I still have to finish my HOW-TO on duplicating DVDs (hmm), this product struck my attention: Fast DVD Copy

  • HFS+ Fragmentation

    Defragmentation on HFS+ volumes should not be necessary at all, or worthwhile, in most cases because the system seems to do a very good job of avoiding/countering fragmentation.

    It is risky to defragment anyway: What if there’s a power glitch? What if the system crashes? What if the defragmenting tool has a bug? What if you inadvertently reboot? In some cases, you could make the situation worse by defragmenting

  • Mail.app Junk Mail Filter

    O’Reilly’s part two gives interesting information on what Junk Mail Filter is, and isn’t. A good read for anyone using Mail.app

  • iChat TV

    Simon Thornton presents an interesting idea on his weblog (“a mutual misunderstanding”): connect a DV input device to your Mac and make iChat believe it’s a firewire cam ..

  • iSight power drain
  • Downgrading to Airport 3.3.1

    If you’re experiencing problems after upgrading to Airport 3.4, typically loss of signal strength and disconnection, you’ll find instructions on how to downgrade at,

  • MP3Concept (MP3Virus.Gen)

    Well, believe it or not, Intego publishes a press release announcing the launch of a Mac OS X Trojan Horse and my copy of VirusBarrier pops up with this alert.

  • Boost Mail.app's junk mail filtering
  • Horizontal scroll built in Mac OS X

    I discovered quite by accident this morning that horizontal scrolling is built in Mac OS X (as long as you own a mouse with a scroll wheel).

  • Safari not supported by GMail

    Google’s new free e-mail service, GMail, doesn’t support Safari (yet). You get 1Gb free storage with Google’s search engine (Don’t sort, search).

  • Lol

    Can’t stop laughing..

  • ADC Reference Library

    Apple has reorganised their developer’s documentation and technotes into a new ADC Reference Library.

  • iPhoto Printing

    Photo and Album Printing have been activated in iPhoto for (most) European users

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