The first web page turns 30 today 

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On August 6th, 1991, Tim Berners-Lee posted the first web page.

The page was lost on the way, but was restored at its original URL at

Read more about this fascinating project on their blog.

It was two years later that I published my first website at the University of Geneva on a Sun Workstation ( after successfully compiling the web server (httpd v0.9 I think, as the first had no version number):

Real simple page, with 2 logos at the top, a heading and a list of resources.
The Dpt of Anthropology of the University of Geneva circa May 1994

The default font was Times and the background colour was grey, and the markup was what is was… all caps, no html element, and many others lacked closing elements (head, body, p or li…)

<!-- DAE Home Page. Created by David Roessli (>
<TITLE> Welcome to DAE </TITLE>

<H1>The DAE World Wide Web Service</H1>
<IMG SRC=""><IMG SRC=""></A>

<IMG SRC=""><A HREF="">La page en français se trouve ici</A>

<P>Welcome to the <B>Dpt. of Anthropology and Ecology's</B> <A HREF ="">World Wide Web</A> service. This is only a first shot, we expect it to evolve significantly in the near future. We hope that you'll find it useful.

<P>Information and services available on this server,<P>

<LI> <A HREF="">About the DAE</A> (and how to get there, with maps) 

<LI> <A HREF="">DAE laboratories Home Pages</A>

<LI> <A HREF="">DAE 1993-94 Course Catalog</A>: academic calendar and <A HREF="">course descriptions</A>

<LI> <A HREF="">Preview of the 1994-95 Course Catalog</A> (LGB lectures only)

<LI> <A HREF="">Announcements</A> (conferences, seminars and others)

<P>Local servers,<P>
<LI> <A HREF="">University of Geneva WWW server</A>
<LI> <A HREF="">Search an up-to-date index</A> of the Web resources (<A HREF="">CUI</A>)

<A HREF="">David Roessli</A> (

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  • 24 Jan 2024

    The Macintosh celebrates its 40th anniversary . It was launched on the 24th of January 1984.

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