My weblog has turned twenty
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Over breakfast , I realised that my first blog post dates back to February 14th, 2000. That’s twenty years ago, give or take a few days.
♥ Our son Mathias wasn’t a year old yet, and Emma was still to be conceived ♥
Social media was a very different experience at the time, I was discovering CSS level 2 and designing websites against the XHTML standard. Movable Type or WordPress hadn’t been released yet, and I was probably just discovering Internet Explorer 5 for Mac, while Netscape Navigator remained my every day browser.
I was writing code in BBEdit 5 on a Power Macintosh G3 (Blue and White) running Mac OS 9 and I didn’t own a portable computer yet, but I walked around with a Palm V PDA in my bag. Mac OS X hadn’t been released yet.
I was still shooting analog films and scanning the negatifs, while my digital camera of the moment was a Fuji MX2900 Zoom 2 megapixels.
We were at the dawn of blogging. The word ‘weblog’ had only been coined a couple of years earlier and it was still very much an English speaking phenomenon. We had personal homepages with a “What’s New” or “News” section, and a list of links to websites we followed.
All this to say that I am somewhat proud to still have a personal weblog running, despite long periods of time during which I didn’t post much, or only links. It’s always fun to look back at what one wrote, or at what was the new hot topic of the moment.
A bit like going through your collection of photos.
It’s immersive.
Time travel screenshot gallery
February 2020: sorry for the poor photo gallery experience. A better one is in the works.
July 2020: added a simple lightbox.