Saved Links — Raindrops
I've been using Pinboard (and before that) on and off to save my links ever since 2005, but I migrated to this year. Here are the latest links I saved. You'll find all the others in my public collection.
Tagged with: lightbox / responsive / javascript / jquery / modal / plugin / script / smartphone / webdev
Tagged with: html5 / php / progress / feedback
Tagged with: stats / tools / webdesign
Tagged with: php / mysql / pdo / migration / howto
Tagged with: inspiration / sushi / design
Tagged with: wordpress / tags / functions / howto / tip
A type diff tool that visually contrasts the differences between two fonts.
Tagged with: typography / tools / fonts / differences / type / design
Tagged with: maps / googlemaps / map / webdesign / google / style / color / design / resources / googlemap
Tagged with: free / resources / images / photo / stockimages / photos / stock / photography
Tagged with: typography / tools / css / webfonts / webdesign / fonts / type / scale / fontsize / em
Tagged with: sysadmin / backup / mysql / zip
Tagged with: social / minify / twitter / faccebook / google+ / lazyload
Tagged with: carta / inspiration / news / theindependent / graphics / newspaper
Tagged with: animation / paulirish / css3 / translate / css / transforms
Tagged with: javascript / tools / http / stats / performance / html / web / archive / reference / statistics
Tagged with: webdesign / ux / typography