Saved Links — Raindrops
I've been using Pinboard (and before that) on and off to save my links ever since 2005, but I migrated to this year. Here are the latest links I saved. You'll find all the others in my public collection.
Tagged with: css / animation / css3 / html5 / tools / webdesign / library / webdev
Tagged with: design / layout / blog / inspiration / ideas
Tagged with: life / inspiration / quotes
Tagged with: javascript / validation / form / jquery / library / forms / ux
Tagged with: javascript / grunt / minify / tutorial
Tagged with: wordpress / responsive / images / plugin / tutorial / picturefill / rwd / webdesign
Tagged with: svn / macosx / apache / webappctl / httpd
Tagged with: css3 / frontend / css / flexbox / html / smashingconf
Tagged with: deployment / php / cms / web
Tagged with: javascript / automation / development / grunt / js / deployment / build
Tagged with: svn / deployment / howto
Tagged with: capistrano / deployment / git / svn / howto
Tagged with: sublime / keyboardshortcuts / sublimetext / sublimetext3
Tagged with: ui / ux / userexperience / usability
Tagged with: css / html / code / development / browsers / cheatsheet
Tagged with: css / responsive / html / webdev / fluid / html5 / responsivewebdesign
Ridiculously Responsive Social Sharing Buttons
Tagged with: responsive / rwd / css / social / icons / icon / scss / webdesign / sharingbuttons / tools