Saved Links — Raindrops

I've been using Pinboard (and before that) on and off to save my links ever since 2005, but I migrated to this year. Here are the latest links I saved. You'll find all the others in my public collection.

  • He rode the length of every train line with his eyes closed, feeling the curve of each track and then drawing the path he perceived in his sketchbook.

    Tagged with: design / inspiration / map
  • Thanks for showing up every day to try to make the web a little better. Thanks for your optimism, especially when it gets harder to stay positive. You make an inclusive web possible.

    Tagged with: webdesign
  • The <svg> element is a telescope into another world.

    Tagged with: svg
  • Once upon a time, we relied on browsers to handle caching for us; as developers in those days, we had very little control. But then came Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), Service Workers, and the Cache API.

    Tagged with: pwa / browser / webdesign
  • Variable fonts are an evolution of the OpenType font specification that allows a single file to contain all of the variations of width, weight, slant, italics, and virtually any other permutation of a typeface the type designer want’s to expose—all in a single file.

    Tagged with: font / layout / typography
  • The reason that Cloudflare seems to cause issues is to do with how the video file headers are presented to Safari by Cloudflares server.

    Tagged with: cloudflare / cache / safari
  • A physicist analyzes a fight scene in the new TV series and asks: Do the shoes make the Mandalorian?

    Tagged with: science / physics / Tv
  • Alors que les designs trompeurs sont de plus en plus portés à l’attention du public, la question de leur possible régulation se pose, bien qu’il ne soit pas simple de démontrer le caractère fondamentalement manipulateur d’un élément composant une interface.

    Tagged with: UX / dark / patterns
  • Some time ago, I removed all the tracking from my personal site, and I haven’t missed it.

    Tagged with: Analytics / ux
  • This tool helps you minimize the discrepancy (FOUC) by trying to match the fallback font and the intended webfont.

    Tagged with: webfont / webdesign
  • Will your code work with assistive technologies? This community-driven website aims to help inform developers about what is accessibility supported.

    Tagged with: a11y / webdev / inclusive
  • “The World-Wide Work” is a talk on automation, power, justice, and labor in the tech industry. It’s a very different kind of talk for me; I hope you enjoy it.

    Tagged with: union / inspiration / webdesign / social
  • The organization of space is key to every great design. Spatial systems, grids, and layouts provide rules that give your designs a consistent rhythm, constrain decision making, and help teams stay aligned. This foundational scaffolding is a requirement for all design systems. In this guide, we’ll walk through the basics of defining spatial base units, creating relationship rules with grids, and bringing it all together for modern UI layouts.

    Tagged with: design / grid / css
  • Different website designs often call for a shape other than a square or rectangle to respond to a click event.

    Tagged with: shape / css
  • Inspired by the successful concept, Can I Email lets you check support for more than 50 HTML and CSS features in 25 email clients, and since the site only launched a week ago, more is already in the planning.

    Tagged with: email / webdesign / testing
  • Apple’s old HQ holds stories of pizza ovens, iPhone secrets, baseball bats, and what happened to Steve Jobs’ office.

    Tagged with: apple / history
  • One of the lowest hanging fruit in achieving highly performant imagery is automating the compression process. It’s easy to accidentally add an uncompressed file or run out of time to set up elaborate configurations to manage compression for us.

    Tagged with: image / github / performance
  • In the best companies, everyone is a leader. Decisions are made by those best suited to make them, everyone feels trusted and respected, and a shared purpose provides unity and motivation.

    Tagged with: leadership / self / morale / health
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