Lithium-based battery usage
Posted in daily
Tags :This might interest PowerBook / iBook / cell phone users. According to a paper on,
Lithium-based batteries have a lifetime of two to three years, and the speed at which the they age is function of temperature and state-of-charge.[..] a lithium-ion battery provides 300 to 500 discharge/charge cycles. The battery prefers a partial rather than a full discharge. Frequent full discharges should be avoided when possible. Instead, charge the battery more often or use a larger battery.
The bottom line is to avoid full discharges, recharge more often. Keep the Lithium-ion battery cool but do not freeze. Avoid a hot car.If possible, store the battery in a cool place at about a 40% state-of-charge. This reserve charge is needed to keep the battery and its protection circuit operational during prolonged storage. The most harmful combination is full charge at high temperature.
2003-03-15 update: MacOSXHint has a very interesting article on how to give your PB battery a checkup
2003-03-24 update: Batteries in a portable world, another interesting article
Comments and responses
12 Mar 2003
Âæû Macinblog Ãúã‰æÜÃöÑÊ∂àÊÅØÔºö ‚ù∂éã∞éõªÊ±†‰âˆç喜歡被放éõªÂà∞Â∫ïÊâçÂÖÖéõª„ÄÇ ‚ù∑éã∞éõªÊ±†‰âˆç喜歡é´òÊ∫´„ÄÇ ‚ùâˆÃ‚≠òÊîæÊôÇ˶ÅËá≥Â∞ëÊúâÃôæÂà܉πãÂõõÂçÃ…ÃöÑéõª„ÄÇ Âéü‰æÜÃöÑÊñáô†Êò؉æÜËᙉâˆÃ„ÃØáÊïôÂ≠âˆÃŠÃ±Ã¡Ã´†…
20 Dec 2003
I think it’s OK (if not preferred) to freeze a lithium battery for storage. BatteryUniversity says not to freeze, but their tablulated data shows differently. I think they mis-stated the freeze thing.